

Profile Settings within Orthogramic, enabling users to update their personal information, customize notification preferences, and manage organizational settings. Accurate and personalized profile settings ensure efficient and tailored use of the system.

Profile Settings


The Profile Settings section allows users to update their personal information, contact details, and preferences. These settings help ensure accurate and customized user information within the system.

Profile card.png


  1. Profile Picture:

    • Upload: Click the Upload button to upload a profile picture.

    • Remove: Click the Remove button to remove the current profile picture.

  2. First Name:

    • Enter your first name in the text field. This is visible to your organisation.

  3. Last Name:

    • Enter your last name in the text field. This is visible to your organisation.

  4. Your Email:

    • Enter your email address in the text field. This email is used for notifications and login purposes.

  5. Mobile Number:

    • Enter your mobile number in the text field. This is used for two-factor authentication (2FA) and notifications.

  6. Timezone:

    • Select your timezone from the dropdown menu. The selected timezone is displayed as AEST GMT +10 in the image.

  7. Office Number:

    • Enter your office number in the text field. This is used for organisational contact purposes.

  8. Language:

    • Select your preferred language from the dropdown menu. The selected language is English in the image.

  9. Theme:

    • Select your preferred theme from the dropdown menu. The available options are Light and Dark themes.


  • Click the Save changes button to apply the updates to your profile settings.

Notifications Settings

Overview: The Notifications Settings allow users to customize their email notifications for various activities related to documents and product updates.

NOtifications card.png


  1. Document comments: Enable or disable email notifications when comments are made on documents.

  2. New Document added: Enable or disable email notifications when a new document is added.

  3. Review complete on my Document: Enable or disable email notifications when a review is completed on your document.

  4. Request for approval of Document: Enable or disable email notifications when there is a request for approval of a document.

  5. Approval of Document I reviewed: Enable or disable email notifications when a document you reviewed is approved.

  6. Weekly team comments digest: Enable or disable email notifications for a weekly digest of team comments.

  7. Send me occasional emails with updates and promotions from Orthogramic: Enable or disable receiving occasional emails with updates and promotions from Orthogramic.


  • Click Save changes to apply the selected notification preferences.

Organisation Settings (Read-only)

Overview: The Organisation Settings section displays the current configuration of the organisation unit and related settings.


  1. Organisation unit: Displays the selected organisational unit, which is managed by the admin.

  2. User type: Indicates the user type, which is set to 'Business' and managed by the admin.

  3. Role: Displays the user's role within the organisation, set to 'Chief Operating Officer,' managed by the admin.

  4. Reviewer: Checkbox to review changes by other users, applicable to the organisation unit and below.

  5. Approver: Checkbox to approve changes by other users, applicable to the organisation unit and below.

App Settings:

  • List items per page: Option to select the number of items displayed per page, with a dropdown for selection.


  • Since the settings are managed by the admin, no changes can be made directly by the user.

Organisation Settings (Editable)

Overview: This editable section allows users to configure their organisational unit settings and related options.


  1. Organisation unit: Dropdown to select the relevant organisational unit.

  2. User type: Dropdown to select the user type, typically 'Business.'

  3. Role: Dropdown to select the user's role, such as 'Chief Operating Officer.'

  4. Reviewer: Checkbox to enable or disable the option to review changes by other users, applicable to lower strata users.

  5. Approver: Checkbox to enable or disable the option to approve changes by other users, applicable to lower strata users.

App Settings:

  • List items per page: Dropdown to select the number of items displayed per page.


  • Users can make changes to these settings and click Save changes to apply the updates.

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