Changes awaiting review
This illustrates the interface where users can see a list of changes that are currently waiting to be reviewed. Each entry typically includes details such as the date, the type of change, and the user who submitted it. The image emphasizes the organized queue system, ensuring that all changes are systematically reviewed by appropriate personnel.
Reject review
This illustrates the option for a reviewer to reject a submitted change. It typically includes a dialog box or form where the reviewer can provide feedback or reasons for the rejection, ensuring that the submitter understands what needs to be improved.
Accept change
This illustrates option where a reviewer can accept a change. Upon acceptance, the change progresses to the next stage in the approval process. The image may highlight how the interface confirms the acceptance and informs the user of the next steps.
Changes awaiting approval
This illustrates changes that have been reviewed and are now awaiting final approval. Similar to the review queue, it includes details like the submission date, type of change, and reviewer comments. It underscores the role of approvers in maintaining data integrity.
Approve changes
This illustrates the approval interface where an admin approver can give final approval to a change. The image shows the confirmation process and the impact of approval, such as the change being incorporated into the business architecture domain data. The approver can optionally provide reasons for their approval.
Reject changes
This illustrates the process of rejecting changes during the approval stage. The approver can optionally provide reasons for rejection, ensuring that the change rejection notification is commented.