Select Settings > Team to navigate to the User Management section from the main dashboard.
Click on the "Add new user" button to open the user creation form.
Fill in User Details:
First Name: Required field for entering the user’s first name.
Last Name: Required field for entering the user’s last name.
Email: The email address used for account creation and notifications.
Username: Custom field allowing the assignment of a unique username for system access.
Office Phone: Optional field to enter the user’s office phone number.
Mobile Phone: Optional field for the user's mobile phone contact.
Timezone: The user’s timezone
Language: The user’s language
StatusAccount status: Indicates if the user account is active or inactiveActive or Inactive. To de-activate a user’s account, set to Inactive.
List items per page: The numbed of list items displayed on each page.
Admin team member: If the user is an Admin team, this will be displayed here. Only Admins can update this setting.
These are the email notifications users can choose to receive:
These are the Organization profile settings:
Admin team member: If the user is an Admin team, this will be displayed here. Only Admins can update this setting.
User Type: Dropdown to define the type of user (e.g., Strategist).
Role: Selects the user's role within the organization to determine access permissions.